Student Safety

At Norman Public Schools, student safety is always a top priority. Teachers, administrators and staff are committed to creating and maintaining a safe learning environment for all students.

Safety Tip Line

See something? Hear something? SAY SOMETHING! Call Norman Crimestoppers at 405-366-STOP or submit a tip online to anonymously report abuse, bullying, drugs, guns, suicide risks, threats and more. Anyone can report a tip - not just students and teachers.

Victim Help Line

Victims of gender discrimination or sexual misconduct are encouraged to file a Title IX report. Call 405-447-6599 or report an incident or concern online.

Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline

If you suspect that a child has been abused or neglected, call the Oklahoma Department of Human Services at 800-522-3511.

Safety Notifications


If an issue involves an entire school or schools, you will receive messages from the district. In any instance that involves your student directly, you will be contacted by phone by school administration.

Please make sure your contact information is always up-to-date in the Parent Portal.

Email: The district and/or school sites typically send notifications via email to parents of students at the impacted school(s).

Text: In the event of a time sensitive matter, the district and/or school sites may send text messages to parents of students at the impacted school(s).

Mobile App: In many cases, a push notification in the Norman Public School District’s mobile app will be sent to impacted families.

Phone:  In addition to an email, families may receive an automated voice call when it is critical for them to be notified right away. Robocalls are generally reserved for inclement weather announcements, school closures, or potential threats that have not been resolved.

Website: The NPS website is updated with an alert on the home page if the announcement is relevant to all (or a large majority) of students. These alerts are typically weather related.


Norman Public Schools and the Norman Police Department follow a Standard Response Protocol, which is based on the response to any given situation. There are four specific actions that can be performed during an incident, which are outlined below.

Safety Measures and Programs

Norman Public Schools currently has the following measures in place to protect students and staff:


While we strive to do everything we can to keep our schools safe, school safety is everyone's responsibility. When tragic events occur, parents can help children deal with anxiety by establishing a sense of security through routine and reassurances that they are safe. Schools are among the safest public buildings and our teachers, administrators and staff work diligently to protect students. If a student sees or hears anything concerning, encourage them to immediately tell a trusted adult. The National Association of School Psychologists offers helpful tips for talking to children about violence. There is also guidance for talking to children about traumatic events as well as tips for gun safety. Additionally, the Norman Police Department provides free gun locks on request. You can help keep schools and children safe by practicing responsible gun ownership, including keeping guns stored, locked and in places where they are inaccessible by children and youth.

While even the most extensive planning cannot always prevent acts of violence, we are committed to doing everything possible to ensure we are exhaustive in our efforts to protect our students.