Executive Director of Support Services
Email Gayla Mears
Special Education
The purpose of special education is to minimize the impact of the disability and maximize the opportunity for the student to participate in school. The district's Special Services Department provides guidance and support to schools and families to ensure students are provided the specialized instruction and related services they require to succeed academically, as outlined in the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

Parent Resources
Oklahoma State Department of Education
U.S. Department of Education
Specific Learning Disabilities
Spastic Cerebral Palsy
Oklahoma Health Care Authority
Special Olympics Oklahoma
National Association of Psychologists
Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Autism Oklahoma
Autism Speaks
Sooner Success
Child Find Procedures
OSDE Parent Survey
Project SEARCH Academy
Special Education Careers

Gayla Mears

Christy Washington
Assistant Director of Support Services
Email Christy Washington